Still life with Turquoise jug II
Still life with Turquoise jug II

She adored Odilon Redon’s work, pieces such as ‘Vision- vase of flowers’ and would endeavour to see how he had achieved them. Whether it was this continuing struggle or not, she conjured up a unique style of her own, well worthy of recognition.

Still life with Turquoise jug III
Oil on hardboard
21.5 x 25 cm

Ref: DSC_0132.JPG

Still life with Turquoise jug II

She adored Odilon Redon’s work, pieces such as ‘Vision- vase of flowers’ and would endeavour to see how he had achieved them. Whether it was this continuing struggle or not, she conjured up a unique style of her own, well worthy of recognition.

Still life with Turquoise jug III
Oil on hardboard
21.5 x 25 cm

Ref: DSC_0132.JPG