Cyclamen II
Cyclamen II

When Derek was out in his studio and Ruth taken to bed with her monthly pains, she would keep the young Josse entertained, by sending him out to the garden to collect a petal of every different species of blue flower, or yellow flower or red flower that was in bloom that day, not the whole flower, mind you. Don’t pick the whole flower, she would say and then they would lay them out on the bedspread and work out the identity and names of each. It might have kept Josse amused, but it also kept her forever close to her beloved garden.

Cyclamen II
Watercolour and pencil on paper
15 x 21 cm

Ref: DSC_0452.JPG

Cyclamen II

When Derek was out in his studio and Ruth taken to bed with her monthly pains, she would keep the young Josse entertained, by sending him out to the garden to collect a petal of every different species of blue flower, or yellow flower or red flower that was in bloom that day, not the whole flower, mind you. Don’t pick the whole flower, she would say and then they would lay them out on the bedspread and work out the identity and names of each. It might have kept Josse amused, but it also kept her forever close to her beloved garden.

Cyclamen II
Watercolour and pencil on paper
15 x 21 cm

Ref: DSC_0452.JPG